
Hekayat Osama (Osama’s Story).

In this interactive theater production, the audience is in charge and can change the events of the play, propose solutions to the problem posed, each according to their point of view. The production was performed in 20 secondary schools in Aden with an aim to raise awareness among students on the danger of arming and joining armed groups whom were present excessively in Aden at that period. Despite security concerns given the content of the play, the troupe took on the project as a duty of awareness; being an important goal of the art of the theater.

Actors : Hesham Alhamadi, Akram Mukhtar, Mh'd Nagi, Abeer A.Kareem, Ali Ahmed Yahya.
Production : Radio Netherlands Worldwide
Implementation : Radio Netherlands Worldwide
Author : Amr Gamal
Director : Amr Gamal
Production Year : 2016